Thursday, October 6, 2011

Ninety- four...

Thursday the 6th..

I had the day off and I spent it mostly cleaning and packing for my upcoming trip to see my friend BH in Utah. So excited!!!

What I read Leviticus 4...

So in this passage of the sin offering and sacrifice it talks more of the blood of the animal it reminds me of the passover, but most of all it reminds me of Jesus and how he spoke of the wine and the bread of what we would eat and drink and would be come our communion, but most of all it was how we are saved that he died and laid down his body that we may live and he bled so that we could become washed clean of sin, by him and thus become clean in the eyes of the Lord. He is the perfect picture of the lamb that was slain to make atonement for all of the community of Israel, however, the Lord is the greatest sacrifice in that he died to make atonement for the entire population of all who came and were and were to come. He even died for those who he knew would never accept his sacrifice. Those who would blaspheme his name. How wonderful is he that he not only died for those who he loved and loved him back, but he loved those who he knew would chose to never love him back. That kind of love is so amazing and such a blessing. I pray one day, even if I have to wait till I get to heaven I pray I am able to express that type of love to others. He is love. For God so loved Chelle (Insert your name here), that he died so that she may have eternal life in him. I am blessed and so are you just accept his precious gift.

Good Night and God Bless!

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