Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day Nine....

So, I realized something yesterday I said I failed... but in truth I did not because I never set stipulations about what my food consumption had to be... I am trying to make a habit of eating healthier and not trying to set myself up for failure by only allowing myself some foods.

What did I eat
Breakfast Protein Shake
Snack: peanut butter M&Ms ( I swear she made me eat them... well she told me she didn't want to eat them alone... So I consumed some)
Lunch: Salad and orange
Snack: turkey, and cucumbers
dinner: thin crust healthy choice pizza
snack: frozen mango

Genesis 9...
In this chapter God blesses Noah and and his sons... He instates capital punishment in v.6 "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God has God made man." God tells them to increase and multiply in all the earth and he makes a covenant with Noah, his sons and life of the earth. He makes a rainbow as his covenant that he will never flood the earth again. After all this great and amazing blessings and joy and peace... Then you get Ham, the youngest son of Noah who sees his Dad getting drunk and laying naked. Ham tells his brothers and they go and cover him up and then Canaan, Ham's son gets cursed. Thee end. Kind of a great story with an obliterating end. Why would God list all that great stuff and then tell of how Noah got drunk and naked... really what have we to learn from this? Perhaps it is not Noah's actions we should be focusing on. In truth Noah may have been celebrating or perhaps something else was going on... I guess I cannot say much because I too have been drunk before in my life. I think the Lord wants us to focus upon why Canaan was cursed and not Noah's sins. For we all fall short, and we all sin, and we all do things we are not proud of. However, it is how you react to another's sins that I think the Lord wants us to focus upon. Perhaps, if Ham (some say it was Canaan, I guess we'll never really know till we get to Heaven.) had not acknowledged his fathers sin in such a way they it may have ended differently for Canaan. We should act like the older sons and not cover up or ignore the sin, but take care of the person, in their time of need. Love the sinner not the sin. You cannot clean someone from the outside in, Jesus must wash them clean from the inside out. If they aren't changed on the inside, why would they want to change their outside. In my own transformation it came from within, my desire to be closer to God, to stop complaining and change my physical appearance. If you are joyful on the inside, happiness will bubble out. Who knew that when I first read this chapter I would end up talking about salvation and happiness. However, I guess that's the cool thing about the Bible you can see the salvation message in basically every chapter, maybe not literally, but at least figuratively because the Love of God is in every word.

Good Night and God Bless

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