Sunday, February 14, 2016

March 3, 2010 (old post)

I love that the Lord uses the weak and the foolish to confound the wise. It's just so absolutely perfect, since it is when things like the ignorant confounding the wise. A miracle as it would seem. We are supposed to have a child like faith to just believe, without seeing. However, even for the smartest brains of science such as Sir Isaac Newton for example, even he believed in the Lord. It just goes to show that even though, the message of the Lord is simple enough for a child to understand it still reaches those of higher knowledge bases. People I guess with an outstanding IQ, such as Galileo a man that was basically put under house arrest because he understood things in the Bible that had yet to be grasped by others yet. What is the craziest thing that I have done for the Lord. In all honesty, I can't really think of anything. I've never built an Ark in my backyard. I've never brought on plagues. I've never preached the word of God in a loin cloth in the middle of the woods, while eating locusts. It's interesting that how in our time, we don't even like to profess our faith because you get labeled as a crazy christian and everyone just wants to fit in.

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