Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Wednesday the 24th... I worked and then after work I met up with a friend SH that was going out of town and did karaoke with her and a few other people TS, WB, RV, some other people I work with. It was a really fun night, we had a lot of fun.

What I read Exodus 1...

Well... Joesph died at the end of Genesis 50... a sad fact but I am starting a new book and I am excited to read about the story of Moses... but first the background... A new king came and saw that the Israelites had become great.... their way to deal with them was to oppress them and make them the slaves of Israel. Then when the Israelites continued to increase, Pharaoh, ordered midwives to kill the baby boys, and when that didn't work, he sent out an order that all Hebrew boys must be thrown in the Nile and let the girls live.... they end of chapter 1.... I guess the part that really hit me was that the midwives feared the Lord and the hebrews were growing in number and being fruitful... all I see and hear here is that the Lord was working in these people's lives so much that they continued to increase, even in times of turmoil when they were being seriously oppressed for the only reason that people were jealous of them... instead of turning from their God's and joining them they oppressed them... How often when life is going well, do those that do not understand our faith judge us and try to tear us down, because they are envious of all the good work the Lord is doing in our lives... as we go through trials and turmoil continue to be fruitful and grow because you fear God and not man... I hope I heed my own words... for sometimes the words come out so easily.. but the actions rarely follow quickly and sometimes quite delayed in reaction. Do a great work in my life that I may be a light unto the world. In your name I pray.

Good Night and God Bless!

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