Monday, September 19, 2011


Friday the 2nd... Today all us girls, my mom, sister and my neice and I all went to get our nails done... It was an enjoyable experience all us girls hanging out... My mom even branched out and got another color besides pink it was quite a shocker! haha.. Love you mom... Then we got some SB to go... and then we drove to my parents house where Mom watched Marissa so my sister and I could go get Tattoo's together... when we got to the place in Canby, done by Kyle's cousin... it was sweet because his daughter was there a super cutie and really chill. She did get a little upset when we started to get our tattoo's done... Overall, we both got the tattoo that we wanted and it was a successful sister adventure. We had an awesome family dinner and that night my mom and I babysat Marissa and we had a fun night us girls, bath time, toy time and reading with Auntie Chelle and then bed time... Oh and she only woke up twice! YAY!

What I read Exodus 10...
So the Lord Brings more plagues... the plague of locusts that will cover everything... Finally even the officials wanted Moses and his people to go, they were destroying everything in the land of Egypt, however, when Pharaoh found out that all the Hebrews and the livestock were going to go. He said that they couldn't go again. So the Lord brought the locusts... How often do we do this in our lives... we want to live for the Lord and he asks us to give all of ourselves... and then we say we will give you this much of our lives but do we have to give all of our lives. After the Lord took away the locusts then Pharaoh's heart was hardened. Then the plague of darkness, a darkness that can be felt. How weird to be trapped inside without light, without sight, without the warmth of the sun. Living down in San Antonio, I have become quite a fan of the sun and it's warmth and it's light that it brings. I forget sometimes how dark the world can become when we have thunderstorms or at night how dark it can get in the country when there is cloud cover and no light in the world... the idea of being trapped in darkness for 3 whole days I think would be slightly terrifying... It was one thing when the men were trapped in the cave for multiple days, they were brought food and water till they were brought up... but they were in a cave, they knew no light could get to them... But to be outside in absolute darkness, a darkness that could be felt that would be Hell to me... the idea of feeling alone, no warmth, no light to see what is around me to feel the depth of the darkness around me would be absolutely terrifying to be in for 10 minutes let alone 3 whole days... no wonder Pharaoh was so mad that he told Moses to get out of his sight. He felt the darkness and was deeply impacted by it. There are people who I think make you feel darkness and there are those that allow you to feel light. The people you light up your life are those that you are drawn to. I want to be a person of light and light up the world, I do not ever want to feel darkness. May I be a light unto the world as your word is light unto my path.

Good Night and God Bless.

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