What I read Exodus 24...
The Lord makes his covenant with Moses and the Israelites. He tells Moses his plan and the people say okay.... This is my favorite part... v. 15-18
"When Moses went up the mountain, the cloud covered it, and the glory of the LORD settled on Mount Sinai. For six days the cloud covered the mountain, and on the seventh day the Lord called to Moses from within the cloud. To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. Then Moses entered the cloud as he went on up the mountain. And he stayed on the mountain forty days and forty nights. "
I love that Moses waited. Why don't we wait on the Lord anymore. I need to be a better waiter. Haha not in the sense of serving others, but I guess I need to work on that too, but more so in the sense of just being calm and still and waiting on the LORD to talk to me... So often I fall subject to our societies growing problem of wanting instant results, how quick can you make this happen, in a second, in a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, it is all so ridiculous how we want everything to happen in an instant. I know I am the guiltiest of all in this area. I want God to solve my problems the second they happen. I don't want to struggle in turmoil over them for days, weeks, months, or years on end. I know that the Lord has his perfect timing, but that rarely matches up with what I consider perfect timing. Ugh... like losing weight, haha all the experts say weight loss comes with exercise and eating right... and I know that it works, yet healthy weight loss takes time, weeks, months, years... haha who wants to wait that long, when you want instant results right... Or how about acne, no one actually wakes up and thinks Awesome I have mount Vesuvius on my face. They are all thinking, I wonder who is going to be looking at the mountain on my face and not my actual features on my face. I know I do.... haha well, I guess maybe not all people fixate on it, but still I think it is pretty much a concern for most people who are self-conscious. Well, I know that was an extended tangent, but I just wanted to say I love that Moses waits 6 days before the Lord came and appeared, because he knew he would come. He promised he would come and he came, I love that Moses showed faith in waiting. You don't read, Moses went up the mountain and prayed LORD, would you please hurry up and make an appearance already. I need to get to my sandal fitting latter this afternoon. Maybe, if we invoked the same patience we should have for the Lord towards other people, we would be happier people. The Lord can come in an instant.... RAPTU
haha ok so the Rapture didn't happen but He could do it... why don't we give people more time, I mean they are only human... they are actually going to need to 20 years to get it right, because we are imperfect sinful people. That is why God sent his son to save man, right.... Well, in short I guess Lord give me patience.
Good Night and God Bless!
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