What I read Exodus 7...
So, I love that the Lord continues to repeat and repeat his promise. I think he does that because we are fickle people and too often we do not want to undergo the hard times and we lose sight of what is really important that he plans to rescue us from our turmoil and despair. 2 of the miracles are displayed to Pharaoh, he first turns the staff into a snake and when the Egyptian priests do it too, Aaron's staff snake eats up the other too... I really kind of wonder how they turned that staff into a snake... I think they had a little black magic or evil on their side, allowing Satan to show his hand of trying to be as cool as God. Because then the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart and allowed Moses and Aaron to perform the next wonder of turning the Nile and all of the water into blood... when the priests duplicated it... I wonder what water they used... if all the water had just previously been turned to blood, I mean there was no bottle water to use to prove it... did they just grab water from the Nile and as the Lord turned it all into blood, they took credit for the Lords miracle... who really knows... but this whole part I would love to watch on DVD in heaven one day. I wonder who actually dug the wells to get water since they could not drink the water of the Nile... I bet it was the Hebrews... thus more work was falling on the Hebrews and more anger the people grew and Pharaoh's heart remained hardened by the Lord. I used to get made at God when I read this as a kid, why if God wants all men to turn from sin and come to him, why would he harden anyone heart from him... but the truth be told, he knew Pharaoh's heart before he was a twinkle in his mother's eye and he knew that Pharaoh would not be receptive to the words of Moses and Aaron and also because for the Lord to have the huge impact on all the Egyptians and Hebrews and other people that were in the land hearing this or seeing this or sending water to Egypt or even people like me who are reading this thousands of years later, it allows us to see the power of God and how he can work in our lives. He is so awesome!
Good Night and God Bless!
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