What I read Exodus 4...
Moses' calling to speak to the people of Israel and Pharaoh is elaborated, God gives him 3 signs to show, the first is when his staff becomes a snake, the second is when is hand become leprous and then restored again, and the last is when he will take water from the Nile and it will become blood. Moses argues with God, saying he cannot speak to the people or to Pharaoh, so he appoints Aaron to be the mouth of which Moses will use to speak the words of God. How terrifying to get your life job and to feel you are inadequate and unworthy of the position that God has called you too... So often I myself feel nervous and inadequate of what he is choosing to do in my life. Too often I am asking him to use me... and then saying oh but not for that Lord. I can totally relate to Moses in this way. Another thing that always gets me, is the Lord tells Moses even before he gets there that he is going to harden Pharaoh's heart and he will not let the people go... He knows ahead of time, he is going to get shut down... he doesn't know yet how many times, he doesn't know all the plagues that he is going to bring upon them, he doesn't know that the people of Israel will soon hate him for what will happen... but he does know he is about to encounter some serious distrust from Pharaoh and a hardening of heart from the Lord himself...Well, Moses goes back to camp and tells his father in law and him and his wife head out to Egypt for the Pharaoh that wanted to kill him has died and he will meet Aaron along the road to Egypt... However, also along the road to Egypt the Lord goes to kill Moses for he has not kept the covenant of Abraham by circumcising his son... well we don't know how old his son was, nor do we know what he thought, when his Mom cut off his foreskin, but Zipporrah weather intune to God or maybe told by God to protect her Husband circumcises her son. So, she was at least aware of the Hebrew traditions though she was not raised as such. My favorite is the end of the story after Aaron and Moses are united and show the people of Israel the miracles and tell them of all they will do... They believe! Amazing... I sometimes wish I had the ability to perform miracles.. however, that appears to be not on my list of abilities the Lord has blessed me with... at least not in the way he allowed Moses to perform miracles... oh well... there's still time. He might be holding out on me.. ;) or not... whatever the case may be... I love the willingness to go and meet Aaron and before the chapter is over... they have shown the people of Israel... a lot to be learned by Moses and Aaron, men of God. Help me to be a woman of God and to follow your ways and to listen to do your will when you call me even if I don't think I am the right person for the job.
Good Night and God Bless.
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