Monday the 12th... Back to work I go... Not much to say.
What I read Exodus 20...
The 10 commandments are given to Moses... kind of a big deal.

I think something that gets me every time I read this is that it doesn't seem that hard. Have no other gods before me... sure that seems easy enough, but how often do I stress about the way I look or become obsessed with food when I go on a diet, I am making that a greater obsession than I am worshiping the Lord. Then you shall not make yourself any idol, that seems easy enough, but we have shows on tv called american idol, we have tv stars or things in our houses that we have in the center of our apartments and not just a bible or an alter to God... another mishap. Then you shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God. Sure I never take the Lords name in vain, but how often do I just stand by and listen as other people do. I need to stand up for the Lord and ask them not to speak like that. Another failure. Remember the sabbath day and keep it holy. Okay so not sure if I am doing to well on this one either sure I go to church on this day and I usually relax, but I miss home so much on sundays that I usually try to book myself dry and do not take any rest. Who am I to think that I do not need a day of rest. Yet again another failure... Honor your father and mother.... hmm... well I think for the most part I do keep this one, however, when I was younger I know I loved them but I did not always show them the respect that they deserved. So I guess we'll chalk that up to another fail. You shall not murder... well I could say I have never done this one... but how often do I get angry in traffic and yell at the person in front of me and in my mind wish that bad things would happen to them... :/ oops... another fail. You shall commit adultery... well in the simplest form I have kept this one, but yet again I believe I fail, because I do occasionally enjoy looking at the men in magazines or in the movies that I watch without their shirts and think my oh my they look good. I do not believe I would ever do anything with them, but I am afraid there maybe a little bit of lust in me when that happens. Oops... another fail. You shall not steal... well I have never really stolen from a store, I have never stolen from friends or family, but how often to I yearn for something that the Lord has blessed someone else with, I've stolen their blessing and I have been envious of something, when I should have shared in their joy of being blessed... so yet another fail... You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor... well, how many times out of anger have I talked bad about someone just because I was mad or angry, whether it was true or not... I was wrong to say anything.... Perhaps I need to watch Bambi again. If you cannot say anything nice, then don't say anything at all. so add that to another fail... You shall covet anything that belongs to your neighbor, well I think we already discussed that I do envy my friends some of the blessings that have occurred in their lives... when I should have just been joyful with them. So I have failed 10x over... this seemingly simple list is basically impossible to keep, how grateful am I that we do not have to keep the mosaic law in order to get into heaven, but that he allows us a free gift, a free entrance ticket that all you have to do is just accept it and you are allowed entrance. What a wonderful blessing we are given. However, I am not off the hook on the ten commandments, I still need to work at living a joyful and God driven life, sin is bad because it is bad for us, the Lord desires to keep our hearts in him, because he is good and he will take care of us so help me Lord in a world full of temptation that I stay in your design and plan for my life.
Good Night and God Bless!
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