What I read Exodus 23...
Basically, do not be unjust, keep the Sabbath and follow the path that he has laid out for you... as he is sending his angel ahead of them to take care of them... What an awesome God we serve! Here is what I love in the chapter... v.10-12
"For six years you are to sow your fields and harvest the crops, but during the seventh year let the land lie unplowed and unused . Then the poor among your people may get food from it, and the wild beasts may eat what is left. Do the same with your vineyard and your olive grove. Six days do your work, but on seventh day do not work, so that your ox and your donkey may rest, and so that the slave born in your household and the foreigner living among you may be refreshed.
The Lord really takes care of us... He not only is looking out for the poor and for the wild animals, but he also knows that if you let the ground alone, the nutrients will replenish and thus their crops will be better in the year to come... I also love that he has a hand in taking care of the people. We were born with a circadian rhythm that is built on a 24 hr system and we have more energy when the sun is out getting it from the Vitamin D, but when during the winter we are more tired and stay in side during the cold winter months, the Lord has us work 6 days and rest on the 7th because that is the rest are bodies need. We need to recover from a hard 6 days of work.... yet in the chaos of a world we live in now, we jam stuff into every hour of the day that we don't leave time to sleep and even recover from a day let alone a week. It is no wonder that we are exhausted and need to drink coffee just to make it through the day. Not to mention, I don't think they ever worried about light when the sun wasn't out. You get up with the sun rises and you go to sleep when it goes down. Therefore, their work days were shorter than ours, we get up before the sun rises and we get home long after the sun has set. Somedays, I think if I just moved into a cabin the woods and became a lil hermit I would be so much happier, but I do love people even though they drive me crazy sometimes. I don't think I would last long out there by myself. Why don't we go back to work days like the biblical times or to the meals that they ate back then, I doubt they struggle with obesity. Our bodies were designed for hard labor and yet we work in jobs where you don't have to leave a desk for 12 hours if you don't want to. How sad, maybe we should make all our secretaries stand... haha just kidding. Or typing on a computer, that doesn't seem like what are fingers or wrists were made to do for 8-10 hours a day, no wonder people get carpal tunnel or hand cramps. So crazy the world we live in. But then again. I do love my computer, it connects me to people that are thousand of miles away. I could see them live with a camera that shoots live footage of what they are doing. I guess there are ups and downs to anything. These are just the thoughts that float around in my head. Well, I just love how the Lord takes care us making us take a rest, knowing already that we want to be little worker bees constantly trying to get ahead in life. But how often do we hear the story of the 2 men that were cutting trees, one cut the whole time, the other took several breaks, however, it was the one who took breaks that finished first. Because during those breaks he sharpened his axe. I think that speaks directly to our times. You will not get ahead no matter how much you try without sharpening your axe, because in taking the time to rest you sharpen yourself and can be ready for whatever the Lord is going to throw at you next.
Good Night and God Bless!
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