Sunday the 11th... I went to church and got to see some friends it was my first time back to church after 2 weeks... I was really emotional today. I think it was because on Sundays I always get a little emotional, but mostly because it was also 9-11, it was one of those days where you just remember how much people mean to you, how much you miss those you love. I remembered what I signed on for in the AF. I remembered those that came before me. I remembered those that lost their lives. I never really considered myself a super emotional person, however, the older I get the more I feel affected by the sadness that goes on around me. I cannot help but get all torn up when I think about all the people in the buildings those days or the people on the planes... What would be my thoughts as I already knew my fate. Would I pray for those I would leave behind... would I call my mom, what would I do. I do not know and I pray that I don't have to find out anytime soon by being placed in that position. I do love that my mom always says she loves me before I leave, or before we hang up the phone. It's somewhat a goodbye greeting, but that way I can know the last thing I said to them was that I love them. That is an excellent feeling to know that the last thing you said to that person was that you loved them. For that is all that matters. Not to be all morbid, but if I end up getting buried and not cremated when I die, I want my tombstone to read, she loved and was loved. That is all that matters to me. On a happier note, I am so grateful to be alive and that I didn't die when I was 19, it amazes me the things that I have done since then and I want to keep living my life in way that is pleasing to him.
What I read Exodus 19...
The Lord speaks with Moses and tells the people to be prepared for the Lord is about to come down in a dense cloud and speak with Moses and Aaron on top of Mount Sinai on the 3rd day and the people are to consecrate and cleanse themselves before the Lord.
The people were probably trembling in fear as they prepared for the Lord, yet the Lord knew curiosity would get the best of them so he told Moses to tell all of them not to touch even the foot of the mountain or they would perish, by arrow or by being stoned to death. The Lord totally works in mysterious ways. I cannot imagine sitting at the bottom of the mountain as the cloud descends and knowing that the Lord is up there speaking with Moses and Aaron. How crazy that must have been, but to have already seen the great works of the Lords hand, I guess that would not have been such a big deal. But to be alive during that time, to be part of the great work that the Lord was doing must have been something. Even to be part of the grumbling. It would have been outstanding to see to be part of. If there was a time I would want to live during it would be this one... The things they saw, the great movement, the passion, the hopes, the joy of serving a Lord that works in such amazing ways would have been a blast to be part of. However, I am also grateful for the day that I live in, though it has a lot of devastation and the labor pains are getting greater, thus just means the Lord is that much closer to coming back!! Woohoo!!
Good Night and God Bless!
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