Today BH showed me all the highlights of Utah it was fun to see her city and get to share in it together. We went to Red Butte Garden in the morning, which is up on the hill right past her school and we took a lot of pictures in the garden, being pensive and acting silly too. The garden was beautiful and I am glad I paid to get to see it.
After the garden, we were both starving so we went to lunch at a sushi restaurant called Red Ginger and was half off the rolls. The food was amazing! I was so full afterwards, but a happy full. Then after lunch, she took me to the Temple Square, which was really gorgeous, with the impressive temples and the grounds immaculately manicured, while weddings were going on all around. BH said they apparently do them one after the other, because so many people want to get married there. Kind of crazy the amount of people that were there, but apparently it is one of the most visited places in the United States.
After the temple we drove by the capitol and then went to the Gateway an outdoor shopping mall. It was a peaceful afternoon, getting to see more of SLC, but sad at the same time, because it was my last full day with my friend.

We then went to back to her apartment after stopping at the store. Then we came back and made snacks and watched cheesy movies like Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Cinderella, and on the non-cheesy side we watched Invictus. Overall, a very fun relaxing evening to a pleasant trip.
What I read Leviticus 12...
Kind of an interesting passage... However, I think that the Lord is still just caring for the people and their health, after childbirth, a woman needs to be cleaned. Nowadays we shower daily, back then cleaning up was a big deal. They also lived in tents in dirt, they were by our standards probably dirty 24/7. These days we can get away from the elements of the world, where living in tents Everything that the Lord does is because he loves us and he cares for us. There is always a rational answer on why he pushes into their brains, clean and unclean. I am so glad we serve a Lord that has a plan, that has rational besides what he does. He is righteous and just and how grateful there is no little boy up there pretending to try to kill off some ants with a microscope.
Good Night and God Bless!
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