So going to church after the tough mudder, one of the most exhausted days of my life. I felt sore in almost every muscle in my body. I slightly could not believe how exhausted I was. The bruises that arrived were kind of ridiculous too. Literally all over my body, from my calves to my forearms. I looked like some sort of beaten and battered woman. The rest of the day I spent cleaning and doing laundry. That night I went to a Haunted House with some friends down on Grayson street. I laughed through out the whole thing. I can't seem to help it, when people appear out of nowhere I just start laughing I think it is my coping mechanism. Not too bad if you ask me, but not as fun to scare a person that just laughs, where as a person that seriously freaks out. Now that is more entertaining and fun to scare. There was one guy that was dressed as the Phantom of the Opera. I couldn't help but laugh as he put is face right in mine and I proceeded to ask him, "You don't get out much do you?" I know he was fighting a smile, but it made me laugh even more.
What I read Leviticus 7...
I love that Jesus is symbolized here. in v.1-2
" These are the regulations for the guilt offering, which is most holy: The guilt offering is to be slaughtered in the place where the burnt offering is slaughtered, and its blood is to be splashed against the sides of the altar."
The Lord was killed and his blood was shed that we might have eternal life. I love that the Lord had a plan from the beginning, when he was explaining the guilt offering, he already knew the only offering that would ever matter. Jesus came to be an offering for the world. For we owed a debt we could not pay, and he paid the debt he did not owe. I love that. My old pastor, used to say that all the time. I love it. It is such a good way to explain the great gift that the Lord has bestowed upon us. How blessed we are that He had a plan. Thank you Lord for your son, for the ability to bring offerings to you. Not because we need to any more but because we want to. I want to be a living offering to you!
Good Night and God Bless!
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