I worked.... it was a good day. I really enjoy working in the PACU. I had a patient that told me he wanted to take me back to his room with him... not in a creepy way obviously, but that he liked me that much. I cannot help but feel bad for these amazing young men that go over and fight for our country and when they return, they don't return with all of their physical selves. I know that they are dealing with it the best they can. But I look around at those who choose not to serve and are in jails or prisons and how they were able to be free to commit crimes because there are men out there fighting for them. And yet they choose to be so apathetic towards their freedom and their ability to make change and make a difference. I cannot help but wonder what about the families of the men that don't come back. I guess what I am saying is these men deserve so much more from their country than what they are given. Lord bless those men and women that are over there fighting for my ability to live in a free country. They are the real heroes!
What I read Leviticus 2..
I think it is interesting that the Lord says that any grain offering that they were to sacrifice to the people should be without yeast, because yeast was a symbol of sin. In v.11 it says,
"Every grain offering you bring to the LORD must be made without yeast, for you are not to burn any yeast or honey in a food offering presented to the LORD. "
I might just be extrapolating here, but I notice that the Lord does not want any sin in the offerings that we bring to present to him. I think he means that he wants our hearts to be in the right place when we bring something before him. He wants us to present our offerings with a willing heart. He wants us to be honest and give with all our love for him. He does not want us to come with a jaded heart one, of unloving giving. For the Lord loves a giving heart. He wants us to do it willingly of our own free spirit and he doesn't want us to do it out of duty, but to do it as a willingness to please him so that we may be blessed by first giving back to him what was his to begin with. Truly we do not have to give offerings like this anymore, but we still offer up our bodies to the Lord as living sacrifices. I think the willing heart still applies here without sin in our offering he desires for us to come to him. Granted we are all sinners and have fallen short. However, we still have the ability to give of ourselves willingly and I think that is what the Lord desires. I may be wrong, however, that is what discernment I have gained from this passage.
Good Night and God Bless!
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