I worked...
What I read... Exodus 38.
More visualizations:
The Alter of Burnt Offering
The Basin for washing...

The Courtyard...
I think this kind of really puts it all into perspective. So amazing the work that they did the drive, the love, the craftsmanship, so detailed and the handiwork of the curtain and the cloths and the garments. So amazing how the Lord builds up people to do such great works. Infact the Egyptians, not truly inspired by God, were able to think up something as crazy as a giant pyramid of blocks. However, the Israelites were the ones who actually built it. They are craftsman by trade. They were made to do amazing things. I think the Lord blessed them in disguise, allowing them the ability to learn the tools of the trade during their days of slavery to better prepare them to help build their place of worship. Ok so most people would not consider slavery a blessing, but it did teach them trades, it taught them servitude, and it taught them dedication and handwork. All things I believe the Lord wants us to be in the ministry of the gospel. Just thoughts to ponder.
Good Night and God Bless!
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