Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Monday the 10th..

My friend RV picked me up and took me to the airport, where I proceeded to fly from San Antonio, to Phoenix and then to Salt Lake City, UT to see my friend BH!! I got in kind of later, but we went back to her apartment and then went and did a little shopping and ended up chilling the rest of the night and I got to meet her roommates who were super nice and fun.

What I read Leviticus 8...

I love that Moses did as the Lord commanded. In v.4-

4 Moses did as the LORD commanded him, and the assembly gathered at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

I love how if you look back at Moses' life, it was not always that way. When the Lord called him to deliver his people and to talk to Pharaoh, Moses said he could not do it. I love that the Lord, though he told him he would give him the words. He still used Moses, but he also used Aaron. How often do I tell the Lord I want to work for him, but yet when he calls me to his mission I tell him I cannot do it. But he has not given up on me he still works with me. He still can use me in the lives of others. But it was never Moses' doing that delivered the people out of Egypt, but it was always of the Lord's doing. He is the only one that can do anything. I love that he still chooses to use us even though we are not but silly people who cannot even fully grasp his power. I just love that Moses did as the Lord commanded. For it gives me hope, that even though I am young and constantly run into trouble and do stupid things. Perhaps one day my relationship with the Lord will be such as when the Lord commands it will read, and Chelle did as the Lord commanded. One can only pray that perhaps if I was ever written into the book, it might read something like that after my name. He is good and there is none like him. Thank you for your patience with me, Lord. You are amazing!!

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