So , yesterday was one big conglomeration of a day. I woke up and was chilling in my apartment... then I got a call from my friend Caitlin saying that some friends are going to go boating, I'm invited want to come... So, I got off my lazy butt and went over and hung out at Caitlin place till we discovered we were not going to go boating. So, we hung out there for a while till our other friends showed up and we just chatted, which was nice. Catching up on everyone's week. Then they left, then I left to go clean my apartment. I considered taking a nap but I really needed to clean my apartment. I was much pleased that I had cleaned for what happened later that evening. So, I went to the dinner for the people leaving at Saltgrass steakhouse and I got a little lost on my way, but I still made it there. I had a lot of fun chatting and getting to know some of the people from my work. I was glad to go for I had actually gotten to know these people and I will be very sad to see them go. I spent time with Belinda after, one of the people that is leaving and we went up to San Marcos and did a little window shopping and got a few things. Then we left came back to my place (I was glad I had previously cleaned it) and we watched a movie. It was cool, because we drove together and chatted a lot about life, and love and God. She recently added me as a friend on facebook and said that she saw I was a christian. I thought it was really cool that it opened doors to chat. We discussed the Lord's plan for our love lives and how it is important to be equally yoked and how having similar values is important, and how we, as women, need to let the man pursue you and not the other way around. I even had my Bible in the car, because I was thinking about maybe going to church after the dinner, and was able to point out a few things that I had written in my margins to certain scriptures. I'm glad I didn't go to church or I would not have been able to share so openly. The Lord is truly awesome that way. The way he presents little openings and you just have to listen and respond.
What I ate (I was very bad today)
Breakfast:scrambled eggs with feta cheese
Lunch: Sloopy Joes at Caitlins
Dinner: Chicken sandwich
Desert: I split a apple cobbler with one of my work mates.
I guess I could have eaten worse.
What I read... Genesis 12
I love this passage... whether it is because it reminds me of the first time I studied it intensely back in high school or if it just because the Lord is so astounding that provides that I love it... whatever the case this is one of my many favorite chapters in the book of Genesis.
2 “I will make you into a great nation,
and I will bless you;
I will make your name great,
and you will be a blessing.
3 I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
I LOVE THAT! It is such a beautiful promise that the Lord makes to Abram and as his decedents, though probably not biological we are spiritually his dependents it applies to us. I really don't have much more I can say about this verse. Other than that it is wonderful... It is sad that not but a few verses later, does Abram fall back into his own ways and stops trusting on the Lord. But how often do we do that too. Give God all the glory and all our problems and worries and then the next morning we put them all back on our shoulders. Help me to give it all to you. Living for an audience of One.
Lord to you be all the Glory and Honor Amen!
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