Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day Six...

So today was a bit of a homebody day.
Since I stayed out so late from girls night I was uber exhausted and didn't wake up till 9:30. I went to church the night before so I didn't feel much like moving my lazy bum in gear to go to Sunday school this morning. I had a nice day of cleaning my apartment and kitchen of the mess I made yesterday as well as during the past week, did dishes and laundry and watched a couple movies and started reading a new book. I also made lunches for the rest of the week. Overall, I had a very productive day. I also just got back from a 6-7 mile run. I've yet to mapmyrun it, so I am not entirely sure how long it was.

Today I ate:
Breakfast: Greek scramble (turkey, spinach, feta cheese and 2egg whites with one whole egg.
Snack: Banana with peanut butter
Lunch: Salad with italian dressing
Snack: Another Banana with peanut butter (my last banana looked like it was about to go bad so I just finished them off today.)
Dinner: Salad, feta cheese, and sunflower seeds with raspberry dressing

Today I read Genesis 6:
I seemed to get stuck more in the earlier passages today. Hearing this story a lot growing up you start to feel like you know it backwards and forwards, but what I sometimes forget is the number of people that must have been on the Earth at this time. Somewhere around 6 billion people of all ages from 800years old to 1day old. Crazy! Who would have thought so many people would produce so quickly. In Gen 6:3 God says, " My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal, his days will be a hundred and twenty years." - The Lord seems to show his justness here. Though he would love for man to live in peace and remain forever, he could see the sin and that men had only evil in their hearts. v.6 "The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the Earth and his hear was filled with pain." This seems to be the turning point for the Lord, when he looked upon his creation and all he saw in the hearts of man was wickedness and evil all the time. I can't speak for God but I know how sad I get when I see other people do mean things to others and I know I am guilty of it sometimes. I cannot even fathom God's pain for he sees is a billion times over. He looks over all he had created and the only righteousness he could find in all the Earth was Noah and his family. What a depressing sight the world must have been. Probably a lot like it is now. Well, though a flood is not coming I can see the signs of the birth pains starting. All the Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes and other natural disasters. It is a wonder sometimes that the rapture doesn't happen now..... Dear Lord, help me to be a witness and a light in this world that you may use me to bring people to you. In your name I pray, Amen.

God Bless you and Good Night!

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