Well... what did I eat
Breakfast coffee and fruit. (If I know it's going to be a busy day I like to get some coffee on board.)
Snack: haha there was no time to eat
Lunch salad with apple and peanut butter eaten at 3pm.
Dinner stirfry left overs
After dinner snack: protein shake
What I read: Genesis 16
Sarai relies on flesh, when she should have relied on the Lord and worse yet... Abram follows her lead. I don't know who to be more upset with in this chapter.... Sarai or Abram... neither one prays or calls on the Lord when they decide to use Hagar as a babymaker for the kingdom of God. The best part of it all. The Lord still took care of Hagar in her time of need, when Sarai had thrown her out. He sends to her an angel with a message
You are now with child and you will have a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your mercy. He will be a wild donkey of aman, his hand will be against everyone and everyone's hand will be against him, and he will live in hostility toward his brothers.....
Amazing right... through all that sin, lies, deceit, hatred, hostility, anger, intolerance, abuse, abandonment, adultery the list goes one. (Perhaps this is where soap writers get their material.) The Lord still kept his promise to Abram and blessed Ishmael to become a man with many decedents and though he would go through trials, he would still be the father of a large nation, granted it would always be at war with Israel... but the Lord still kept his promise. So, who shall we dislike more... Sarai for suggesting it, or Abram for going along with it.... decisions. I guess neither since I do stupid stuff that causes others pain. I am just as bad so to hate one of them would be to hate myself for I am just as guilty. I guess we can say I learned from such mistakes. For I don't think I would ever had a maid servant to offer to my husband if I become unable to bear children... however, I now know it's a bad choice... so thanks Sarai and Abram for life lessons from the Bible. On that happy note, let's just leave with the amount of love the Lord had for both of them to strike them both dead with a lightening bolt and he still chose to use them as the means to create the great nation of Israel.
Good news... when we sin, the Lord forgives and forgets and removes our transgressions from his memory as far as the east is from the west. (slightly paraphrased)
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