Sunday, February 14, 2016

Valentines Day 2016- MOVING FORWARD (NEW POST)

Happy Valentines Day!

I've decided to get back into blogging to help process through some things.  So, I ask you join me in my journey with grace and the understanding from above.  Don't judge my inability to write with the skill of one who studied to write.  But appreciate that I am about to share my heart with you....

I pray the Lord blesses you this day as you read through my struggles, may he bless us together as we move forward.  My life is no where I thought it would be right now, if you asked me when I first started this blog.  I recently lost my niece, Marissa.  She passed away on Jan 18, 2016.  It doesn't matter how she died, what matters is that SHE LIVED.   She was such a blessing to so many people.  I have been coping in the best way I know how....

So, here's me- I'm still not married.  No children of my own.  Still in the Military and currently in Turkey!  So, that's kinda where my life is.... Something I want to share with you is.  Wednesday was Lent and my 29th birthday.  So my goal for lent is to give up cursing, complaining and comparing myself and my life to others.  I am giving it up for 40 days, in hopes to give it up forever.  I am also trying to replace it with joy, blessing and celebrating the lives of others....

Things God is teaching me is- Comparison is one of the worst things you can do- it causes envy or greed. The desire you have for something you don't have, something you think your due or it can make you boastful. COMPARISON IS THE THEIF OF JOY.  I've been feeling very humble as of late. Ways I'm learning to combat the comparison thought process is with celebration and leverage.... Such as celebrating with others on their successes and use whatever you have as leverage to serve to the best to your ability. 

I miss my niece daily, but I am thankful that she lived and she touched so many lives.  I pray one day I have a daughter that reminds me of her and I will be able to tell her about her cousin who lives in heaven and is watching over her with angel wings.  

God bless my family and friends and continue to bless them for the support they've given to my sister, her husband and our family as we keep moving forward.

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