Saturday, August 20, 2011

Forty two,,,

Well... truth be told. I am frustrated with my inablitity to lose weight right now. Son instead of getting myself all worked up I'm not worrying about it for a little while. no weigh ins for the next 2 weeks. I don't need to stress over that. However, I am still going to work out and continue to try and eat healthy, but I don't want it to be all I think about. So, on mondayI had an early morning at work. It was kind of a busy day so I got put up front to help process people in for surgery. It was fine. I also helped do a lot of IVs, which luckily I was on today! Yay! Then PACU started getting kind of busy and I came over to help relieve people so they could go to lunch. I had forgotten how much I love working PACU and being on 50 first dates. It was fun because since I had worked pre-op I got to see a lot of people before and after surgery. It never ceases to amaze me how different people are after anesthesia.

What I read today... Genesis 42

The famine in the land sends Jacobs sons to Egypt to get grain for the family. Since Joseph was in charge he called out his brothers and told them that they were spies and that they needed to bring the younger brother and he would hold one captive till they brought the youngest benjamin. Well, I don't know what it is about Biblical times but everytime something bad happens to them they blame it on some past sin, such as selling their brother. I don't know about you. But somehow, when crap or bad stuff happens to me. I don't usually think of the last bad thing I did and think man here is my payback for all the terrible things I did. I guess maybe it's my optimism or the fact that bad stuff does happen to good people. Sure, if I cut someone off and then later get cut off I think well, ok. Although, I think there is something to be said for karma. I still cannot believe that for every bad roll you make you will get a good roll.... Let's face it sometimes you feel like you're spiraling downward and sometimes it seems like it is never going to end. Or sometimes great things are happening and the Lord is really working in your life. Why do we have to think if great things are happening, that something bad is going to happen. Besides if bad stuff never happened to us, how would we know when really great amazing things are occurring. I know amazing stuff is not happening to me daily. However, I do think I live a pretty blessed life and I am so grateful for all the Lord has shown and given to me. Thank you.

God Bless...

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